Obama’s Olympics

Published: 2:00 AM – 02/25/14

Democrats blind to reality

During President Obama’s re-election campaign, he had a sudden and glorious change of heart towards the merits of gay marriage and rights. When presented with the opportunity to kowtow Putin by participating in the Russian Olympics, our “lame duck president” discarded, like so many punched voter tickets, his previously professed principle and allegiance with gay rights while still managing to come up smelling like roses thanks to a liberal media.

I’d also expect the Jewish community, (another big part of the Democratic voter base), to be equally outraged by our patronage of these Russian hosts who have long supplied Iran with weapons and nuclear components. Then, to any American troubled by Russia’s refusal to extradite Snowden with his cache of our secrets that he now shares with Russia, I would not expect silence.

If that’s not enough, then we’ll go four times as many good reasons to boycott the current Russian Olympics than was needed when President Carter decided to do so back in 1980; the very hosting city of Sochi is in proximity to terrorist safe havens, putting our athletes in grave danger. Anyone could have boycotted NBC, who knew, full well, of Russia’s oppressive nature when deciding to cover the event.

I jumped from that Democratic ship back when President Clinton granted China most favored nation status before redefining the words “sex” and “lies.” How much more will it take beyond our current president being a Putin puppet before other Democrats see their party for what it is?

Steven P. Clum




Let’s be honest: if Obama had boycotted the Olympics, you’d be writing about how he kowtowed to gay voters at the expense of hundreds of young athletes who trained for years to earn their spot at the table. You just don’t like Obama, and nothing he does will ever make you happy.

Here is my definition of blindness as it pertains to politics: anyone who says either “the Democrats get everything right and nothing wrong” or “the Republicans get everything right and nothing wrong.” Neither party gets it right every time….

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21 Hours Ago

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Sure…”let’s be honest!” I guess if “kowtowing to gay voters at the expense of hundreds of young athletes who trained for years to earn their spot at the table,” held any weight among bleeding heart liberals, then we’d see them actually vote an increase in taxes to fund all school sports in their district, only…that aint gonna happen! …

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Any puritan perspective of the Olympics is delusional! They sold-out back when they began allowing Professional athletes to compete. Since then, it’s been all about the money!…

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The Olympics should not be political. No one wants to see a boycott–no one. President Obama did the right thing.

And far from being Putin’s puppet, it’s the other way around. With the mere consideration of bombing Syria, Obama was able to win appeasement from Putin, proving once again that Obama is the smartest one in the room.

By the way, imagine, two tiny nations, Norway and Canada out-performed the USA at the Olympics. How did that happen? The best we can say is that we took home the most consolation prizes while Russia, Norway, and Canada took the most gold….

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Art Fulle

Is that how you saw the Syria difficulty? Never mind the fact the majority of the public did not support a Syria bombing, Assad is a Putin ally. They out maneuvered the US quite deftly, courtesy of John Kerry’s slip of the tongue. President Obama had no choice but to take the weapons deal. Of course, it has been delay after delay by Syria since. They played us Alvin. …

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Bennett Weiss

Obama’s threat of force in Syrai was in and of itself a war crime….

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You seem quite content with America’s decline. Congratulations, Comrade Alvin, on your successful mission of mediocrity!